Experience of activities performance

“Pilot and Demonstration Center for Decommissioning of Uranium-Graphite Nuclear Reactors” JSC is as follows:

R&D to ensure safety and development of regulatory framework for in situ decommissioning of commercial nuclear reactors;
Building of a pilot external safety barrier site around solid radioactive waste storage;
comprehensive engineering and radiation survey of buildings, structures, trench and beyond-design storages, commercial uranium-graphite reactor complexes, including radiation survey of shut down reactor cores as well as gamma and neutron radiation scanning of graphite stacks to develop decommissioning project for EI-2, ADE-4 and ADE-5 commercial nuclear reactors;
R&D, survey of buildings and structures;

Demolition of buildings and structures being out of use;
Demolition of two beyond-design radioactive waste storages and remediation of the territory;
Withdrawal from process vessels and spent fuel pools of bottom sludge deposits and other items, conditioning and transfer thereof for long-term storage;

Complete decommissioning of EI-2 commercial nuclear reactor.

“Siberian Group of Chemical Enterprises” JSC:
Dismantling and decontamination of gas-diffusion equipment of Isotope Separation Plant;
Engineering and radiation survey to develop decommissioning project for Radiochemical Plant.

“Mining and Chemical Combine”:
Engineering and radiation survey of structures, radioactive waste storages, AD, ADE-1 commercial nuclear reactor complexes, including radiation survey of shut down reactor cores as well as gamma and neutron radiation scanning of graphite stacks;
Decontamination, dismantling, fragmentation of pipelines and stop valves of large diameter;
Disassembling and withdrawal of large-scale power and heat engineering equipment;

Disassembling and decontamination of reactor discharge system equipment in mining limited space conditions;
Building of infrastructure facilities to treat radioactive waste resulted from nuclear facilities decommissioning.

4.“Mayak” Production association:
comprehensive radiation and engineering survey of beyond-design radioactive waste storages on AV-1, AV-2 commercial uranium-graphite reactors sites;
survey of radiation features for AV-1, AV-2 graphite stacks;
radiation survey of AV-2 building No.602 special ventilation.
5. Balakovskaya NPP of ROSENERGOATOM Group Company:
Withdrawal and burial of solid high-level radioactive waste from the section of internals inspection cavity of Unit No.1.
Bilibinskaya NPP of ROSENERGOATOM Group Company:
Elaboration of step-by-step plan for preparatory decommissioning works at Bilibinskaya NPP Unit No.1 and Unit No.4;

Creation of informational system for decommissioning of Bilibinskaya NPP Unit No.1 and Unit No.4;
Elaboration and implementation of comprehensive radiation and engineering survey for Bilibinskaya NPP Unit No.1 and Unit No.4 and the site thereof;
Feasibility study for Bilibinskaya NPP Unit No.1 and Unit No.4 decommissioning options including that of 50 year conditioning of spent fuel in cooling ponds with a watch-based model of maintenance;
Feasibility study for decommissioning (shut down) options for radioactive waste storages, located on Bilibinskaya NPP site, including justification of technological chain of radioactive waste treatment (storage, processing, preparation for burial);
Development of a local facility decommissioning concept for Bilibinskaya NPP Unit No.1 and Unit No.4 with a feasibility study of the option chosen.

Beloyarskaya NPP of ROSENERGOATOM Group Company:
Radiation and engineering survey of buildings, structures, radioactive waste storages;
Elaboration of decommissioning project for Beloyarskaya NPP Stage No.1;
Construction of infrastructure facilities for radioactive waste treatment, construction and equipping of a department for radioactive waste withdrawal and containerization;
Withdrawal of radioactive waste and spent fuel spillages from MDKA montejuses of the main building;

Withdrawal, classification, containerization and passporting of radioactive waste;
Dismantling of buildings and structures;
Engineering and geological studies, arrangement of intermediate (container) radioactive waste storage site.
Disassembling and withdrawal of large-scale power, heating and engineering equipment;

Dismantling of turbine island in a part of the Unit No.1, transportation of the resulted radioactive waste to a special organization.

“Novosibirsk plant of chemical concentrates”:
Creation of a site for intermediate storage of extra low-level radioactive waste and materials, which were contaminated by radionuclides, for decommissioning purposes;
Disassembling of process equipment, disassembling and assembling of out and inner utility systems of buildings;
Dismantling of buildings;
Radioactive and process waste treatment, recycling;
Remediation of the territory, road resurfacing, landscaping.

“Chepetskiy Mechanical Plant”:
Building infrastructure necessary for decommissioning: arranging temporary storages for low-level radioactive waste, building roads and physical protection;
Radiation survey;
Disassembling of equipment and building structures, including foundation digging-out;
Radioactive waste treatment;
Remediation of the territory and landscaping.

Withdrawal of liquid radioactive waste (LRW) and sludge, including the facility and equipment maintenance;
Engineering survey of AM research reactor and ventilation center building.

IRT-T research reactor metal structures survey.


Dismantling of constructions under the Research building “B” decommissioning project implementation.

Technical resources and capabilities
During decommissioning various special equipment of domestic and foreign producers is used:
Radiation –measuring and spectrometric equipment;

Equipment for performance of comprehensive engineering and radiation surveys;
Electric, pneumatic and hydraulic equipment (dismantlement and fragmentation of equipment and structures, removal of dismantled equipment, compaction);
Equipment for technologies prove-out, such as:
— radioactive waste conditioning;
— graphite oxidation;
— engineering structures fragmentation;
Robotics equipment (performance of radiation and nuclear hazardous activities);
Video surveillance system (survey in the hard-to-reach
places, hazardous activity performance control);
Radioactive waste conditioning equipment;
Instruments and equipment for remote cutting (including under water works) of high-level radioactive waste,
void-free filling of reactor space and radioactive waste storage facilities.

As a rule, to perform specific activities the special instrumentation developed and produced by “PDC UGR” JSC or upgraded commercial devices of various produces are used.