Principal activities

Business Profile:

Development and implementation of package decommissioning technologies for nuclear facilities and radioactive waste storages;
Rendering of services for the State customer and operators in the area of decommissioning of permanently shut down nuclear facilities;
Maintenance and safety ensurance for facilities containing I-1, EI-2, ADE-3, ADE-4, ADE-5 commercial uranium-graphite nuclear reactors and the sites thereof;
processing and bringing back to the economic space of recyclable materials resulted from decommissioning of nuclear facilities;

Development and implementation of package decommissioning technologies for nuclear facilities and radioactive waste storages includes the following:
R&D efforts to ensure safe nuclear facilities decommissioning and radioactive waste treatment;

Development of decommissioning technologies (model-based analysis, prototype testing);

Development of technological processes and work execution plans for nuclear facilities decommissioning;
Design and manufacturing of equipment for remote visual control and remote works in places with high levels of ionizing radiation.

Rendering of services for the State customer and operators in the area of decommissioning of permanently shut down nuclear facilities implies the following:
Engineering and radiation survey of nuclear facilities including contaminated territories;

Geological and radar survey of nuclear facility sites;
Engineering and radiation survey of nuclear facility building structures and process equipment;
Gamma and neutron radiation scanning of commercial reactor graphite stack;
Radiation and engineering survey of radioactive waste storages;
Radiation survey of samples;

Generation of data for conclusion on nuclear facility safety condition.

Implementation of the following works:
Equipment and systems disassembling;
Radioactive waste withdrawal and conditioning thereof;
Decontamination of surfaces contaminated by radionuclides;
Construction of additional engineering safety barriers;
Dismantling of building structures;
Radioactive waste storages decommissioning;
Remediation of contaminated territories.